Thursday, December 6, 2018

Bodybuilding or Body-destruction?

Testépítés feketén-fehéren (in English: Bodybuilding in black and white) is a Hungarian documentary made by the Bódi brothers. It revolves around the life of professional bodybuilders by following the everyday life of the most successful sportsmen in Hungary, such as Krisztián Bereczki, Kornél Bohos and Tibor Füzessy.
The film shows the difficulties of the competition season. The main characters let us see their diets and training regime and they talk about their feelings and experiences during that time. We can witness all steps of their preparation for the competition. We can see how strict their diet is, how hard and concentrated their training routines are and what suffering they need to bear in order to achieve the desired physique. The film reveals the secret of the usage of steroids as well. A specialised doctor, who is a bodybuilder at the same time, talks about the dangers of using steroids and growth hormones and their effects on the human body.
This film absolutely impressed me and I watched it more than once, which is unusual. It shows everything in an appallingly honest way. We can see how many things these men sacrificed for their success which I think can make anyone motivated. This film and these men prove that there is nothing that is impossible, it is our choice to make efforts in order to change our lives, or not.
It should be seen by everyone who despises this sport, at least once in a lifetime, and it should be shown to a wider audience. People could learn a lot from this documentary, for example, the importance of will-power, humility and resignation. As I have mentioned, the film could serve as a great motivation for those who had the thought of giving up in their head.

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